
We invite authors to submit extended abstracts reporting original research and recent developments in topics related to the workshop. Every submission should have a suitable list of references, citing the most important related work.
We remark that EuroCG does not have formally reviewed proceedings.  The abstracts will be made available for the benefit of the community and must be regarded as a collection of preprints rather than a formally reviewed selection of papers.  Results presented at EuroCG are expected to appear in other conferences with formal proceedings and/or in journals.  In particular, papers that have just been submitted to other formally reviewed conferences are eligible for being presented at EuroCG, assuming they have not appeared by the time of the workshop.

Submission Format

Papers must be formatted according to the EuroCG style (using the eurocg16.cls LaTeX class kindly provided by Bettina Speckmann) and must not exceed 4 pages (two columns). The mandatory submission format is PDF. Here is an example file (example.tex).

Submission server

Submissions should be contributed using the EasyChair system ( 
Submissions are due on January 11, 2016, 23:59 (CET).

Final Version

The final versions are due on or before February 25, 2016, 11:59 PM (CET). The final version must also use the EuroCG style file and it must not exceed four pages.
Accepted papers will appear in a booklet which will be made available online through the EuroCG 2016 web page.
For every accepted submission one of the authors must attend the workshop and present the paper.